Request an Account
Creating an Account is not required to place an order on this web shop. If you do not wish to create an account, please proceed with placing an order and skip this step.
Why Create a Web Shop Account?
Users of this web site may place orders without creating an account. Orders placed as a guest will be charged tax and require a credit card for processing.
Creating a web shop account may offer your business the opportunity to take advantage of their tax-exempt status upon approval by Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection. Orders placed on the web shop after approval and using your new login account will reflect the amenities approved.
How to Create a Web Shop Account?
Click on the Create an Account link in the upper right corner of the web shop home page and an account registration form will appear. Fill in your First and Last names, Email address and Password you would like to use for this web shop.
If you have questions on how to place an order or create an account on this web shop, please email Detcon customer service at
Thank you for visiting our site.